Sunday, November 28, 2010

Section 2: Theories and Models of Learning and Instruction

Identify a specific learning goal and how you would incorporate two learning theories highlighted in Chapter 4 to achieve this goal.

Ø  Goal: Student will be able to implement the Four Nets Researching skills to collect data for their research project using K12 database as the search engine.

Ø  The two learning theories that I would incorporate for students to meet the specific goal are Behavioral Learning Theory and Cognitive Information Processing Theory.  With both theories, immediate feedback to is either positive or negative reinforcement.  If students apply the wrong method of collecting data, then the negative reinforcement will be the irrelevant, inaccurate data.  Then, students will modify their searching method until they obtained the valid data.  In this case, the positive reinforcement is the obtained valid data; in which, students will apply the same successful researching skills, which is the Four Nets Better Researching skills to collect their data.

Find a reference (other than the book) that describes Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction. Then create a table or chart that compares and contrasts those events with the first principles described in chapter 7 and describe how you would apply each of the first principles to the goal you've developed from the first activity in this reflection.

Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction
First Principles of Instruction
Gain Attention
Inform Learner of Objectives
Stimulate recall of prior learning
Present stimulus material
Provide learner guidance
Elicit performance
Provide feedback
Assess performance
Enhance retention transfer

Ø  Activation:  Students will be asked to type in several topics using their search method and compare the results with two classmates.  After the discussion, students will be introduced to the Four Nets for Better Researching skills.

Ø  Demonstration:  The teacher will introduce students to the K12 database and explained the importance of valid data.  The teacher will model to students how to implement the Four Nets for Better Searching skills.  Students and teacher will to perform two or three searches to help students be familiar with the researching skills.

Ø  Confidence:  Students will work in team of three to “play” a scavenger hunt to explore the K12 database applying their Four Nets for Better Searching.

Ø  Integration: Students will work individually to apply their own knowledge about Four Nets for Better Searching skill to assist them with their specific topic on their research project.

Develop a new goal or using the one you've already developed, briefly describe how you might use the whole-task approach, scaffolding, and mathemagenic methods to help students learn to perform a task.
Ø  Whole-task approach: The whole-task approach is a holistic method to finding success within the instructional learning goal. Referring to same goal in question one, the implementation of whole task approach is to ensure students understand how to navigate on the Web. Students know how to look up information on the Internet using any search engine. This will help the students to apply those skills to real life to help them retrieve data.
Ø   Scaffolding: Scaffolding is the process of building knowledge through a series of levels which get progressively more difficult as the knowledge is established.  Referring to the same goal in question one, I will teach the students how to use the Boolean operators to narrow done their search.
Ø  Mathemagenic: I would implement mathemagenic to the mentioned goal in question one by providing students several subjects for them to gather data.  Students will apply their higher-level thinking skills to synthesize the information and they will have to dissect the information gathered to collect the valid data.
You have been hired to design a course for a topic in your area of specialization. Using Table 9.2 as a template, what would you incorporate into each subcategory to motivate learners?
Ø  Attention
·         Perceptual Arousal: Read some a book about how to select books in the library.
·         Inquiry Arousal: Ask students what type of books they like to read.
·         Variability: Show students video about the library collection.  We will talk about the difference between fiction and nonfiction.

Ø  Relevance
·         Goal Orientation: I would make sure the students know about the different classification the Dewey Decimal system.
·         Motive Matching: I would monitor students to determine if they fully comprehend the lesson.  Students that did not understand the lesson, I will work with them in small settings so that they will not get frustrated when searching for a nonfiction book.
·         Familiarity: I will create a scavenger hunt for students to look for books in the nonfiction collection.
Ø  Confidence
·         Learning Requirements: I would monitor and guide students to keep them on track and encourage them to complete the scavenger hunt.
·         Success Opportunities: Learning about the library collection will help students to better find books that they are interested in reading.  Also, the Dewey Decimal systems will have a better understanding to students.  Students can straight to “000s. 100s, 200s, etc…” to look for needed books.
·         Personal Control: Student will gain awareness of different types of books in the library, and how to correctly select their books.
Ø  Satisfaction
·         Intrinsic& Extrinsic Reinforcement: Students can successfully look for books in the fiction and nonfiction collection of the library.
·         Equity: I encouraged students to read any book of their liking.  All students have the right to read books of their interest; therefore, by preparing them to correctly select books in the library will be a tremendous advantage.

Finally, after completing these activities, discuss the benefits of engaging in design research.
Ø  After completing these activities, I see wonderful benefits of engaging in design research. It provides a map that details every step of the learning process so that all aspect of the students’ learning is addressed. The instructors will be well prepared with the design research approach.

Section 4: Human Performance Technology

1.      Chapter 14 discusses the concept of the evolution of human performance improvement. Several sections of chapter 14 present a variety of non instructional solutions to performance problems. Identify a performance problem in your area of work and provide a non instructional solution to solve the problem. 
  • Since I have been a librarian I had a problem with my students taking an Accelerated Reading (AR) quiz on books that they have checked out from the school library.  Teachers approached me about how to motivate their students to diligently take their AR quizzes.  I took the initiative to request 6 trophies for each grade level (K-5) to present at the end of each six weeks to the homeroom that earned the most AR points for that particular six weeks.  Ever since I have implemented that contest students are more eager to take their AR quizzes.

2.      Chapter 15 presents several definitions of electronic performance support systems. In addition to these definitions, locate a few more and indicate your preference explaining why you prefer it. Additionally, describe why you believe EPSS have not been widely used and if they are more likely be become more prevalent in the future. 
·         According to Wikipedia, an Electronic Performance Support System, is any computer software program or component that improves user performance.
·         On, an electronic performance support system is, according to Barry Raybould (1991), "a computer-based system that improves worker productivity by providing on-the-job access to integrated information, advice, and learning experiences."
·         Also on , Gloria Gery (1989) defines it as "an integrated electronic environment that is available to and easily accessible by each employee and is structured to provide immediate, individualized on-line access to the full range of information, software, guidance, advice and assistance, data, images, tools, and assessment and monitoring systems to permit job performance with minimal support and intervention by others" (p. 21).
·         I prefer the definitions on because it clarifies the definition of EPSS and provides examples of electronic performance support system.  Attached is the link for further reference: .
v  I believe why EPSS has not been widely used because we are not familiarized to the term EPSS, and if we were introduced to EPSS it was not emphasized to the users.  It is the lack of marketing therefore EPSS is not widely utilized.
3.      Knowledge management is the way we manage information, share that information, and use it. Organizations, such as schools, are full of information/data and we must organize that data in a way that we can make sense of it. We use data to make decisions and good data=good decision making. Identify a real or hypothetical problem in your line of work. How might a blended learning approach, including the use of a knowledge management system, be use to solve the problem? 
·         At my campus, most are our parents are non English speakers; therefore, we have proposed our administrator to utilize our computer lab to teach our non English speaking parents how to speak English.  We have subscribed to a trail version of Rosetta Stone to teach our parents how to speak English before school on Tuesday and Thursday from 7:50 am to 8:25 am.  We didn’t have many parents (mostly moms) to take advantage of this program; however, after several sessions almost 30 computers in the computer lab are occupied.  Our parents are more comfortable speaking with the school staff now; therefore, we intend to purchase the license so that we will continue the service to our parents.
4.      Describe the types of informal learning you have been exposed to in your adult life. What as the purpose? What was the experience like? Was it engaging? Social? What role did you play? What role did the instructor play? 
·         In my lifetime, I have experienced many informal learning scenarios. For example, when I was dating my husband we are looking for engagement rings; unfortunately, we did not know anything about purchasing a quality diamond.  Therefore, we went to the library to read about diamonds and I went to the local book store to purchase book about How to Buy a Diamond.  The learning experience was fun because we were learning a subject that will affect us.  We learned a lot of facts and terminologies about diamonds so we decided to test our knowledge by traveling 2 hours to Houston to test our knowledge.  The jeweler was impressed about our understanding about diamonds but we left the place without a ring. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Section 3: Evaluating, Implementing and Managing Instructional Programs and Projects

  1. Chapter 10 discusses evaluation in instructional design and provides you with two evaluation models, the CIPP and Kirkpatrick models for evaluation. Search for at least two other models used for evaluation and summarize these models. Describe how you would use them to evaluate your instruction. 

The ADDIE instructional design model provides a step-by-step process that helps trainers plan and creates training programs. This model revolves around the following five components:
·          Analysis
·          Design
·          Development
·          Implementation
·          Evaluation
These five stages of the ADDIE model encompass the entire training development process; from the time someone first asks, "What do people need to learn?" all the way to the point where someone actually measures, "Did people learn what they needed?"
I would use this model to gather the needs of my students.  After determining my students’ needs, I will design the lesson plan according to their needs.  I will administer an assessment to evaluate my lesson.

The symbol of the wheel is to represent curriculum as an ongoing, cyclical process, beginning with design, moving through to resource development, teaching, assessment, student support and then evaluation of how it all went. The information pick up from evaluation leads back into re-designing the unit, and the whole process starts over again.
Evaluation appears as a separate phase in the cycle, but it also strengthens the whole process of the wheel. Evaluation needs to occur in all segments or phases in the wheel if we are to achieve best practice in our various activities.
I would use this wheel to design my lesson by gathering my resources/materials needed for the lesson, teaching the planned lesson to my students, assessing my students for understanding, supporting my students based upon the assessment, and finally evaluating/reflecting my performance on the particular lesson.

  1. Think about a technological innovation within your social system that was recently introduced (social system = place of work, home, etc.). Any innovation has what is known as perceived attributes - relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. Describe these attributes of the innovation and which of the attributes assisted and/or hindered adoption of the innovation. For example, was it not compatible with the existing beliefs of the system or was it overly complex to use or understand?
My district implemented the Curriculum on Wheels (COWs) for 3rd through 5th grades.  This product was created as a pilot for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade subjects such as Math, Science, and Social Studies.  The idea of the COWs was a mobile laptop that is specifically geared to a particular subject that compliments the TEKS objectives.  The COWs were greatly welcomed by teachers; therefore, the district decided to purchase the software to be installed on the district’s server for all grade level teachers to gain access to the software application.
Relative Advantage: Innovation is being better than the idea itself.
Provides necessary materials such as prepared lesson plans, video clips, and articles for teachers to use with their lesson plans

Helps provide test taking strategies for the TAKS

Compatibility: Innovation meets the need of users.
Aligned with TEKS objective 
Focused on only one subject per device

Complexity: Innovation is or is not relatively difficult to understand and use.
COWs were very easy to use, just like working on a desktop computer.
Nothing was complicated with this machine.
Trialability: Innovation may be experimented on a limited basis.
The COWs was a pilot program for two years at my district before they decided to purchase the software licenses for the entire district accessibility.
Observability: Innovation’s results are visible to others.
Teachers noticed an increase in assessment scores such as the TAKS and Curriculum Based Assessment (CBA).

  1. Chapter's 12 & 13 focus on project management and how to manage projects when resources are scarce.  You have been assigned to develop a series of professional development sessions focusing on technology use in the classroom for teachers.  How will you use Situational Leadership to facilitate this project? 
First, I will outline an overview of type of topics and necessary resources teachers have requested from the previous years and what type of technologies they have in the classrooms..  Second, I will observe teachers to see how willing and comfortable they are implementing accessible technologies into their lessons. Third, I will develop a plan with the teachers to help and support them with the necessary resources and technologies needed to assist the teacher to better facilitate her lessons. Finally, I will monitor and frequently ask the teachers for questions and/or comments.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 1: Defining the Field

1.)    Reflect on the definitions the book has provided and develop your own definition as it relates to your work environment.

·         The text defines:  “Instructional design and technology encompasses the analysis of learning and performance problems, and the designs, development, implementation, evaluation, and management of the instructional and non-instructional processes and resources intended to improve learning and performance in a variety of settings, particularly educational institutions and the workplace…” (pg.7) 

·         The textbook has an overwhelming, complex definition of instructional technology.  In my opinion, the definition of instructional technology is to incorporate technology in the educational curriculum by designing, managing, and evaluating the instructional process to benefit students’ learning.

2.)    Next, study the Dick, Carey and Carey model of instructional design.  Redesign the model excluding and/or adding components as needed.  Describe how the model adheres to the six characteristics of instructional design and how it fits in your work environment relating to your definition of instructional design.

·         After analyzing the Dick, Carey and Carey model, I have decided to delete these two boxes: Write performance objectives and Design and conduct formative evaluation of instruction from the model of instructional design.

·         The newly modified design adheres to all the six characteristics of instructional design. 1). Instructional design is learner centered by analyzing learners and context the learner is still the main focus of the design. 2.) Instructional design is goal oriented by assessing the needs to identify goals then the needs of the students should be meet and addressed. 3.) Instructional design focuses on meaningful performance by developing assessments instruments such as paper based test to measure the performance of the learners. 4.) Instructional design assumes outcomes can be measured in a reliable and valid way by developing an authentic assessment instrument to measure performance. 5.) Instructional design is empirical, iterative, and self-correcting which by the constant revision process to achieve the utmost results. 6.) Instructional design typically is a team effort because for the successful implementation of this model from administration, teachers, librarian, paraprofessionals should work to as a team for the benefit of students.

·         This fit perfectly with the media specialist responsibilities.  I have opportunities to collaborate with my co workers to co-teach with them certain units as requested by the teachers.  I have to assess the needs of my teachers and their students, ensures that my collaboration with the teacher benefits the students, if not, then we will have to go back to the drawing board.  Assessment of our students is conducted by the teacher.  In order for the collaboration effort to successfully benefit the students, we have to work as a team.

3.)    Based on what you know about these technological innovations combined with what you have read about the history of instructional films, television, the computer and more, discuss how technology is generally used in the field of education and how foresee technology being used in the future in the following areas: K12 Education, Higher Education and Adult Education (continuing education)?

·         K12 Education:  Technology is a vital role in the educational curriculum arena.  Students have tremendously improved their computer skills because they access to computers in the classroom.  Educational software motivates students to learn better than the traditional paper and pencil method.  In additional, the implementation of students has changed the way teachers teach their students because I have witnessed that technology helps makes the lessons more interactive and engaging for all students.  I foresee that textbooks will be phased out soon because of the introduction of handheld devices that students can access seven textbooks in the palm of their hands.

·         Higher Education: Technology has provided many students, like me, a quality college education at the convenience of my home.  The technology of webcam and other website, such as Skype, students and professors will have the opportunity to “meet” during their class meeting.  Students can have access to video tutorials and other self learning modules.

·         Adult Education:   I think the same technologies from Higher Education apply to Adult Education as well.